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IHM: Issaquah Press Collection
Issaquah, WA
September 30, 1992     IHM: Issaquah Press Collection
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September 30, 1992
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, _ lssaquah School Board sldent Brian Thomas said Week he will not abandon hooi board should he elected a state esentative. Thomas won . §th District Republican Mination in the September Primary election. M«'tlntaining both positions .lee him unique insight, mas maintains. He added he will resign from the WI board if the task of no in the legislature be- s.oven~helming and at: .- his performance on the ——ln a little red to while her 69" aw McKean ‘tter drive ‘roun‘d n this Weekend Salmon Days means .fun and crowds, lots of 8. Cause the festival is so lat. lssaquah’s Police ailment will close a num- :01 roads over the week- Front Street from Gilman , e to Newport will be ,d Saturday from 7 am. Pm. The streets will be - from 8 am. to 6 pm. asunclay. addition, Gilman will be ~atgy1c2losed from 7:30 I :30 pm. Saturd the Salmon Days paras); = festival's road race will Gilman briefly from 9:30 m. on Sunday. c south of the City is to SFl-QOO to get (d Issaquah, pence 1‘_ , uah’s moths lit the bad kind e,‘Irhe 16 moths trapped , Ssaquah area by the 8 Department of ‘ iture aren't Asian > i h Moths as feared. e" . the department re- the moths are an Gypsies, a rela- armless cousin of the asatrain. 9 department trapped “flth this summer’in an 0 determine locations on Stan. strain, which coniferous trees. As ember 18, 22 moths “M in traps in the ah area. 3;: quah 2/ is :ted as a .......... .. ‘ :\‘ :hery no. it ‘ a re— nter ....... u! i , /$5' 3, ............ .. 2 N .l in the I___ .redttto i Ed" “S T ? , . , lNTES alter \G I?‘ raring (5R0. i it b Geno use the MayVailey ‘ Salmon Hatcher y slated to close Budget cuts responsible for roable clsur next spring b Andrew McKean Just as hundreds of thousands of Salmon Days visitors descend on Is- saquah, the state’s Department of Fisheries has announced that it will likely close the town’s salmon hatchery. The facility is one of a dozen hatcherics statewide targeted for closure because of budget shortfalls, the department acknowledged last week. ’ If the budget cuts are approved by the legislature, the hatchery could close by late next spring, ending a 54-year marriage between Issaquah and its salmon. The proposed hatchery closure is the subject of a public hearing sche- duled for next Wednesday, October 7, in Seattle. The department wants comments on its proposed budget that could reduce fisheries activity by a third statewide. The fate of hundreds of thousands of Chinook and Coho salmon—and Issaquah’s Salmon Days—rests on the state’s decision, which will be finalized December 9. If the hatchery is closed, no more . eggs would be, hatched and no more juvenile salmon would be raised in Issaquah, said Paul Seidel, manager ‘of the state’s Puget Sound hatch- cries. The thousands of salmon rctum? ing to their spawning grounds next fall would be either caught in the ocean or allowed to spawn in the upper reaches of Issaquah Creek, said Seidel. Their path upstream is currently blocked by the hatchery. According to the state’s plans, the hatchery buildings would remain on the Sunset Way site. A single care- taker would maintain the facility in case thebud'get improved and the state decided to reopen the hatchery in the future. The other two staff would be either laid off or trans- ferred to other facilities in the state. Issaquah was targeted for closure because of its location and its salmon stock, said Seidel. The department is closing stocks that aren’t genetically unique. Since Issaquah’s salmon were originally imported from the Green River, they have little biological value to the Fisheries Department. Seidel also said that the depart- ment wants to spread the impact of hatchery closures statewide. A dozen hatcheries are slated to be closed; another dozen are targeted for major reductions. Seidel admitted that the public education role of Issaquah’s hatch- ery wasn’t taken into account when compiling the closure list. "The agency is aware of the pub- Mlke Griffin and Jane Norwood, workers at Issaquah's Salmon Hatchery, wash off their nets in preparation of another season harvesting salmon eggs. Photo by Andrew McKean. E"ir"marlh~llm 1‘ 4w MWIWW‘W'ANWWVJW WW“?! 2‘8? l‘l‘.‘ 2' ‘l. '7' as, hymn at). If! ‘o‘i‘, Imam; QWEIH' 370“ .‘Xib‘fi‘x was,” I» ,." Mali 5.831121 7r Kfimx Late rain aids returning Chinook, Coho Rod Henderson looks at the gloomy sky and smiles. Last weekend’s rain was a bless- ing for Henderson and his staff. This summer’s drbught has kept creek levels low into the fall, and the Chinook salmon run was running weeks behind schedule. Until last weekend, that is. Three hundred fifty Chinook had returned to the hatchery by Monday, That’s still behind normal, but Henderson was visibly relieved after counting just 150 by last Wednesday. . “They’re coming,” he said_ The Chinook, or king salmon, will keep Salmon Days visitors en- iranced. The smaller Coho, or silver, salmon won’t begin returning until All aboard , to Issaquah Historical society wants to reactivate train line b Melissa London In 1983, it was the historic Gilman Town Hall, now a museum of early Issaquah artifacts. In 1984, it was the Issaquah Train Depot, followed by the Alexander House. Most recently, the Issaquah Historical Society began renovation of an old warehouse at First and Bush Streets in downtown Issaquah. This year, the society plans its biggest undertaking yet: to restore passenger train service to the north, along a route that will eventually connect Issaquah with Woodinville. The tracks run along Lake Sammamish, parallel to the East Lake Sammamish Parkway. The society has appointed Ted Cook Jr. as chairman of its recently formed Train Committee, charged with looking at the cost and fcaSibil- ity ofreactivating theold steam engine line. Although passenger service was discontinued in the 1940s, Burlington Northern still uses the track for commercial trans- port. As a future tourism and market- ‘ ing enterprise, reinstating the line will bring a piece of historic Issaquah back to life. and it will at- is tract'thousands of new. visitors to the area each year, explained Cook. Like the upcoming Salmon Days festival, “the train could also bring a large number of visrtors to Issaquah, the difference being that they would be spread out thIOUEhOUt the spring, summer and. fall seasons without, impacting the city all at one time," he noted. “In addition to Preservmg the past, this could the second big boom for the city and its busi- nesses,” Cook added. While committed to seeing it through, Cook notes It 18 still early in the process. . “There's a host of engines avail- able out there. bl" “‘6 Purpose of this [committee] is to get peeple’s interest up and ms“ the SUPPOI't of area clubs and cities,” he said. _ v . The future plan IS to run train service from Issaqilah to the north, eventually connectingihe city with a turn-around point just north of Woodinville’s Chateau Ste. Michelle winery. Winery officials said they would A See TRAIN on page 3 l , it .. late in the month. Henderson noted that a higher than normal number of Sockeye salmon have come to the hatchery this fall. The Sockeye are bright red with mOSSy green heads, and aren’t raised at the hatchery. This week marks the normal high point in the salmon run. Issaquah V needs still more rain to raise the creek level and get salmon moving, said Henderson. “If things don’t change substan- tially, We 00"” be looking at a shortage for fall Chinook,” he said. Last year the creek level was also low andrthc hatcbcry didn’t get normal numbers 0f the big fish. Henderson had to import Chinook eggs from lhe Green River to meet The Historical sOclety expects to have a train like this one, circa 1988, his production schedule. The Coho run should be normal because the creek’s level is substan- tially higher later in the fall. 3,123 r}, tr count Chinook \ 350 Coho ooo running the ""68 between Issaquah and Woodinville. Ted, Cook, 5"- checks out an old engine In Tacoma that needs much restoration work. . t , l lic information function of Issa- quah,” said Seidel. “More visitors come into Issaquah than any other [of the 22 Puget Sound hatcheries]. Is that a high priority? I don’t know.” . Seidel noted that the closure list, compiled earlier this month, is pre- liminary and was intended to trim 16 percent from last year’s budget, which was itself nine percent lower ‘You could see what’s proposed new change any number of times.’ . — Paul Seidel Salmonculture manager than in 1990. Issaquah’s hatchery consumed about two percent of the state’s $8.1 million salmonculture budget last year. The budget cuts will likely be in- corporated in Governor Booth Gardner’s 1993-95 spending plan, but since a new governor will be elected in November, the budget could change by the time it reaches the legislature in the spring. “You could see what’s proposed now change any number of times between now and then,” Seidel said. Salmon hatcheries aren’t the only budget items on the state’s chopping block this fall. Revenue projections have shown a $1.6 billion shortfall for next year, mainly because the sluggish economy isn’t generating sufficient sales taxes to keep state spending at even last year’s levels. State parks, transportation and wildlife departments have all been targeted for substantial budget cuts. But the impact of Issaquah’s , a: hatchery closure can’t be measured in dollars, say local officials. For instance, would Salmon Days continue if the hatchery closes? “As long as salmon come up the creek, there will be a Salmon Days," said Chamber of Commerce President Jack Porter. “If the salmon stop coming, the community will have to decide the future of the fes- tival.” The chamber sponsors the annual event, which brings about 200,000 visitors to Issaquah each fall. The festival will be held this weekend, October 3 and 4. The public hearing on the Fisheries budget is slated for Thursday, October 7, at 7 pm. The hearing will be held in Room RS— 79, South Seattle Community "4’ College, 6000 16th Ave. SW in~ Seattle. Salmon Days returns Issaquah residents and mer- chants are welcoming the annual return of the salmon, along with the area’s biggest festival— Salmon Days 1992. The festival begins with its traditional Saturday morning pa- rade at 10, and ends with a vari- ety of entertainment for all tastes. Festival hours are Saturday, October 3, and Sunday, October 4, from 10 am. to 6 pm. On Sunday, the Rotary 5K and 10K run will start the festivities at 9:30 am. , Activities scheduled for both days include the Issaquah histor- ‘ ical display, the Kids’ Fair, trout fishing and salmon watch creek walks. Salmon Days also tradi- tionally features a variety of ‘ food, arts and craft vendors. Festival programs detailing all the events are available at The Issaquah Press on Front Street and the Salmon Days staff office at the Issaquah Depot. Salmon Days is one of the largest regional festivals in the Northwest, attracting more than 230,000 visitors in 1991. It is sponsored by the Issaquah Chamber of Commerce.