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Issaquah, WA
September 30, 1992     IHM: Issaquah Press Collection
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September 30, 1992
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NAME: . ‘ Return petitions to:. 'Page 4 The Issaquah Press, Wednesday, September 30, 1992 Editorial ' Save the hatchery— Sign the petition Issaquah so far has only one aggressive economic development plan—tourism. At the head of the attractions list is the Washington State Salmon Hatchery, located here since 1938. Now more than ever, its worth to the city must be recognized, and fought for. The announcement that it is on the list to be closed must come as a 'shock to the community. But the real shock is that state fisheries staff has not bothered to consider the educational value of this interpretive center that it has worked hard to develop over the past 10 years. The I'ssaquah hatchery is the closest one to a metropolitan area, and no doubt has the most visitors, from school groups and area families to international tourists. This weekend the 23rd annual Salmon Days Festival will welcome 200,000 people to the hatchery in recognition of the miracle that beings the salmon home to spawn. Humans are humbled as they witness the salmon struggle in the hatchery’s ponds, eager to procreate and die in dignity. That emotion should be stong enough this weekend to motivate the crowds to sign petitions to keep the hatchery open. The armouncement couldn’t have come at a better time. to rally the troops. In the interest of time, The Issaquah Press has taken the intiative to print a petition on its editorial page. We encourage everyone who cares, young and old alike, to sign the petition and return it to us. We’ll be open during Salmon Days with more petitions for you to sign. Let’s aim for 25,000 signatures this weekend! School groups who have had the pleasure of rearing salmon fry in the classrooms, volunteers who don waders and help harvest the eggs, businesspeople who recognize the value of tourists in town, even developers who understand that the hatchery is part of the uniqueness of Issaquah, must rally together to save the hatchery. The petition is step one. The Chamber of Commerce and City of Issaquah are needed to join the fight. Each can start by helping circulate petitions this weekend, then send representatives to the hearing next Wednesday in Seattle. While there, the Department of Fisheries should be encouraged to come to Issaquah to hear what the citizens have to say. It’s the least we should settle for. Once the Issaquah hatchery is gone, chances are slim the state will ever reinstate funding for it. Salmon are a natural resource too precious to let slip into the annals of history. This town has rallied before, and won. It can do it again. ’We the undersigned recognize the value of educating the public about the natural -;.e.i~esources precious to Washington State, including the. migratory salmon. Whereas the Issaquah Salmon Hatchery plays a crucial role in the lifecycle of the salmon, and in the education of thousands of armual visitors, and the hatchery is important to the economic health of the City of Issaquah, we urge the Washing- ton State Dept. of Fisheries to remove the Issaquah hatchery from the list of proposed hatchery closures. ADDRESS: The Issaquah Press, 45 Front Street S. or mail to Issaquah Press, Box 1328, Issaquah, WA 98027 I THE ISSAQUAH PRESS Letters to the editOr HIKE vs. BIKE We must learn to share In reference to the recent editorials, I feel we need a dose of reality. We all need to under- stand it is too late to keep Issaquah as a small town in rural America. Issaquah's charm and beauty have already been discovered and ex- ploited. . We all need to accept the damage has al- ‘ ready been done, so it is now pointless to point fingers and place blame. We must learn to share our streets, and share our trails and help each other to cope with the changes. We will destroy the remaining beauty with this constant arguing. We must learn to get along with each other. Kate Hall POLITICS Rossi's tactics questioned In August I co-sponsored a town meeting for residents of Tiger Mountain and Mirrormont to discuss a controversial new housing develop— ment planned near Hobart, plus other subjects ‘ of local interest. An uninvited young man from outside the area attended this meeting. In reviewing the sign-in sheet after the'meeting it was noted that the stranger had given as his address that of Dino Rossi's 5th District state senate campaign headquarters. Surprised by this, one of the par- ticipants noted that the uninvited stranger had placed what appeared to be a tape recorder un- derneath his chair during the meeting. A fol- low-up call to Rossi headquarters later con- firmed that he was a Rossi campaign worker. Why was a Rossi campaign worker sent to observe, and perhaps tape record, this meeting? We assumed the target was one of Rossi's Opponents in the senate race who was invited to the meeting because of his expertise in land use issues. If so, that was dirty politics and Mr. Rossi's ethics should be questioned. The possibility of an even more disturbing scenario surfaced recently. Rossi has reported that his campaign contributors include Gold- smith & Associates, an engineering firm that has been a major proponent of the same Hobart area housing development that we met to talk about. Given this linkage, I wonder if the infiltration of our citizen meeting by the cam- paign worker was to monitor and report back on the activities of a group of citizens who might be opposed to this development. If this was the case, all who attended this meeting should feel absolutely violated. Even if spying on citizens wasn't the intent, I‘m still left with a question or two. Given Mr. Rossi's close ties to the development industry, did he or his campaign worker give information to developers about who attended the meeting and What was said? And if the meeting was secretly tape recorded without permission of any of the participants, who has the tape been Shared with? , We’ll probably, never know the truth. The stranger has left town. And I doubt that Mr. News/Advertising/Circulation 392-6434 Classifieds 392-1305 Deadlines: News Friday noon Advertising - Monday 3 pm. Ro’ssi will step forward to clarify his role in all of this. This episode leads me to agree with The Issaquah Press’ editorial of September 9 which stated: "We question Dino Rossi's motives (in running for the senate)... he is a developer funded by interests outside of the party." ' Bill Elder Opponents well informed Congratulations to my fellow residents on the Sammamish Plateau who overwhelmingly voted to defeat incorporation. The idea did sound exciting and attractive, but after careful analysis of the Nesbitt report (which the proponents used to support their position) we feund the facts did not allow us to endorse incorporation. The proponents spent almost two years pre- senting their ideas, but when we examined and discussed the figures we amassed in two and one half months of extremely hard work, com- mon sense prevailed and the voters decided against incorporating. Inasmuch as “16 Proponents kept telling us there was plenty of money to find a new city because of shared revenue from Olympia and since we now find there is a shortfall in that same budget. the percentage of what we would have received would be even less than what the Nesbitt reported anticipated. ‘ It is tedious to keephearing our opponents saying we were not well informed. On the con- trary, we were very well informed as confirmed by the outcome of our sizable NO last week at the polls. Lorraine Cousens Draft status no issue I am fed up with so much media attention to Clinton's draft status. Vietnam was a difficult and divisive tune in our nation's history. Wounds from that experience are still healing. I would honor the President more if he focused upon today's issues. Many patriotic people of good judgement and intelligence were at odds with the draft and the Vietnam war. There are young adults today Who have no idea of what young people Of earlier decades lived through. It does the country no kindness for its Pres- ident and his Pl! media to behave as if the issues had been simple. The young Mr. Clinton and the young ML Quayle were both living through an unusual time in our history. When questions aresraise'd we must also consider whether each has grown in wisdom and judge- ment in succeeding years, or whether this issue is to remain fixed forever likevan insect in amber. Mary Lou Skinner Ross Drew rings true Kathleen Drew is one Senate candidate who rings true. She isa careful listener who we can trust to speak for us. Her Opehhcss and commitment to our con- W THE CITY or ISSAQUAH Entered as second class matter at curiQSity and a‘ “epldation th approached cerns are evident in what she says: "I will We; to the people and work to improve our 501100 and roads while preserving our open Spilces'j "Public involvement at the local level 15165 sential." "Future growth must be... resPonsl to the concerns of the community." Vi, More important, Kathleen's integrity ‘5 e dent in who she is. Talking with her one 5°“ n,. that here is a person who speaks from her 0:6, ter, genuinely motivated to serve. She andd , family have roots in this community a" stake in its future. If, in the Whirligig of big spending, paign hype, and political rhetoric we are a 31, to endure for the next six weeks, thel‘.e 55,. place for a reasonable, experienced pub1 16 vant, a woman who listens and who ring sflue': then Kathleen Drew deserves that place 3 our vote. Bob W”1 ‘ THANK YOU Gym helped rehab a, Thanks to the City Club of Issaquah f‘gnjts help you have given me the last four “1'! year helping me to rehabilitate from a diftit}u of illness. It began with an attack of shim!f my February that led to several attacks .06 multiple sclerosis flaring up, a disease N since I was 16 years old and I'm now and I' was unable to continue exel’Clsln weight lifting which I enjoy as a hobbY- homer it became time to exercise again. I Was muted bound. Having my own set of weights)I Sect! with Chris Kunde, owner of City Club. tot [,9 there was any way he could help the 268mm on a Program of exercise and weight fluid be ‘ and, without hesitation, he said he WO t,ntl" -. more than happy to help me out and he 50f his ‘1 my home, almost on a daily basis. one hh‘r fitness trainers, Tirina McConnell. Througge 0‘ ;; expertise in weight training and khquw inl‘ physical therapy, I am now begin“mg wail” prove in strength and walk better Once p and Each time she's here, she walks “1'6 at” down the sidewalk and I soon WOnt “In utilize a cane or walker to help me “'1 ance. a ' - I even have a goal of once again gem bench ress back to 300 ounds. v . t P p Joe Deb/arc" at”: Museum staff floored The staff of the Issaquah Historical Museum is very pleased to announce op]; . x: floors of the museum have 1966“ rho is,“ and/or refinished! Michael Tucket't “I”, saw professional in this area, very graC'o‘ésrearn pi of his time and talent to bring Our " fruition. Grits \ We want to thank Michael, Who w org! r of North Bend, for his many hours of W set/6"] The museum has been closed for get weeks for repairs. We are trying to grief; exhibits cleaned and in place bfifore came Days, and will be pleased to haVe You ys ho; visit. The museum is open on Saw‘dam 10: noon to 4 pm. and on MondayS fro am. to 2:30 pm. 00' -: Salgaf t ' . t Deborah Beno ......................................... .. Publish - m] nd ...... .. . . Advenis' the Issaquah Post Office and ad- 13‘1thth every wedHCSday Slnce Andrew McKean ' News Edit: Sail/rays" Advenjsilzg gitional mailing offices7under 45 From street 5" p.0_ Box 1328 illnelisliaxlgndon . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ..Reponer Pamela Grestiy .... .. figwnésing 2% March 2. 189 . US , ' n 8: on . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ..Reporter Marilyn Boy en vertmng M/ Issaquah King Cou ty. WA Anne Weinen Receptionist Lind, Rem ............. .. .--.Clas51fieds POSTMASTER. Send address $18 per year/$28 two Yeas/$9 senior Citizens Robert thtz .......................................... ..cimnnm ' chm es lo Issaqu-ah PM, no .1. . Add $10.00 outside King County Box 328,1ssaquah, WA 98027.