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October 14, 1992     IHM: Issaquah Press Collection
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October 14, 1992
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Page 2 The Issaquah Press, Wednesday, October 14, 1992 Supporters stress hatchery’s economic, ed b Andrew McKean Not only does Issaquah’s Salmon Hatchery attract spawning fish, it also lures millions of dollars to Issaquah and ultimately the state’s general fund. When you also consider its edu- cational role as a living laboratory, the benefits are too great to warrant closing the facility, supporters told the state last week. A group of about 70 local stu- dents, business people, politicians and citizens traveled to South Seattle Community College Wednesday to persuade the state to take Issaquah’s hatchery off a list of facilities slated to close by next July 1. Issaquah and 11 other hatcheries around Washington have been tar- geted for closure in order to trim the Department of Fisheries’ budget some $16 million, or 25 percent less than the current two-year budget. But Issaquah’s contingent im- plored the state to look beyond the budget numbers to the role the hatchery plays in Issaquah. “It’s time to put people, tradition, heritage, and above all the salmon” ahead of fiscal considerations, said Daniel Ridlon, one of a half-dozen Issaquah Middle School students " who attended the meeting. Other hatchery supporters stressed the facility’s contribution to the local economy. The state’s fund- ing. formula doesn’t consider the money that the hatchery generates; instead it. only considers the $111,000 withdrawn from the gen- eral fund to operate the facility ev- ery year. Local business leaders said that the hatchery is really an income generator because taxes on money spent by visitors wind up in the state’s general fund. The amount is more than $111,000 annually, sup- porters told Fisheries officials. “If we have 200,000 people here on one weekend [Salmon Days] and another 200,000 the rest of the year, my goodness, that’s a huge impact,” said Chamber of Commerce President Jack Porter. Though no numbers are available, the chamber is currently studying the'hatchery’s'economic contribu- tion to Issaquah. A 1986 study of the Leavenworth salmon run estimated that each spring Chinook caught by anglers was worth $180 in indirect costs. Fisheries officials acknowledged the local hatchery’s educational and economic role, but stressed that Issaquah might have to be sacrificed in order to fund higher priorities \\ ., elsewhere in the state. Acting Fisheries Director Bob mandate is to protect, manage and enhance the state’s salmon and shellfish populations. In order to do that this year, the state wants to concentrate on threat- ened wild salmon runs, rather than hatchery-supported runs that aren’t genetically unique. The department will also spend millions over the next two years to resolve a tangled legal dispute over Indian tribes’ rights to harvest the state’s shellfish. The state can’t justify keeping the Issaquah facility open on the basis. of its educational or economic con- tributions, Turner said. The funding mechanism isn’t designed to ac- count for money returned to the general fund by taxes or by sale of salmon eggs collected at the Issaquah hatchery. Though Issaquah may be an ex- ceptionLhatcheries generally get three times more money from the state than they contribute, Turner I I I III...- I (Limit one per customer, per Visit) Lév;_________________— WE'VE MOVED! MOUNTAIN APPLIANCE SERVICE 6M mm $.93» It's not too late— Call now for details Issaquah Travel 392-8900/1—800-872—2720 STOP LOOKING 8.25°/o-8.25°/o APR NO CLOSING COSTS NO APPLICATION FEES NO LOCK IN FEES CALL AND APPLY NO_V_V_!_! (For loans above $125,000. Below $125,000, call for current rates.) ALL STATE FIRST MORTGAGE 391-3747 or 999-9798 Back To School Dollar off Days at ISSAQUAE! I'l'I-I I I I IIIIIII-I Your Breath“ and Lunch Specialist -' Stop in take look at our new improved menu. Next to QFC on Gilrnan Blvd. - 391-9690 Receive one dollar off any FULL BREAKFAST or LUNCH MEAL with this coupon. Good Mon-Fri. Expires October 31, 1992 CV. 1/20¢ Open M—F, 6am-3pm Sundays 7am-3pm L-_-- urtney messy, an IssaquahiMiddIe Hatchery should remain on Issaquah Cree Department In a meeting on the department’ ucational role said. In a razor-thin budget, unpopular Turner “0th that his department’s cuts will have to be made for the good of salmon around the state, the director stressed. “If you’re asking us to go beyond our mandate to keep an educational facility open over a production facil- ity, you will have to be able to ex- plain that to the rest of the state,” Turner told Issaquah supporters. A task force of Issaquah mer- chants, civic and political leaders is meeting weekly to determine the city’s response to the closure pro- posal. Last week’s fisheries meeting was a start, said Porter, but local leaders may have to lobby other Sc hool student, read her eatlon of wh lsaqua k. A number of Issaquah students lobbied the state's Fisheries 3 budget last week. Photo by Andrew McKean. sources, like they did to keep a trash incinerator out of Issaquah in the ‘80s. In that case, a“ groundswell of opposition persuaded politicians to join the fight. in tune they are.” “It’s like the ‘Kick Ash’ cam- paign a couple of years ago,” Porter said. “They [the county] backed off. Government goes where there’s the least resistance. Maybe we should try a political approach to see how Fisheries worries that salmon could the next spotted owls by Andrew McKean Two distant and powerful legal forces will dictate the future of Issa- quah’s Salmon Hatchery. The federal Endangered Species Act and the landmark Boldt Deci- sion on Indian fishing will de- termine whether Issaquah’s facility gets state funding or is mothballed. State spending is largely a balanc- ing of priorities, Acting Fisheries Director Bob Turner said last week. The state must decide which of its resources it thinks is most important and then fund them at an appropriate level. The Fisheries Department has de— cided that protecting Puget Sound’s native Coho runs and preparing for a major lawsuit on tribal fishing rights is more important than keep- ing hatcheries open. The department is paring down its budget in prepara— tion for what could ultimately be- come a battle over control of natural resources in the state. And Issaquah and other state-run hatcheries could be casualties. “We’re feeling the big threat of the Endangered Species Act,” Turner said. A half-dozen of Wash- ington’s salmon runs—mostly on the Columbia River—are already listed under the act, which strictly regulates habitats and puts most fisheries matters under federal jur- isdiction. Turner said that Puget Sound’s wild stocks are already in decline, and it’s just a matter of time before some group petitions the govern- ment to add them to the Endangered Species List. “We don’t want to have the hand of the federal government come into play,” Turner said. “We want to get out in front of the curve and restore the wild stocks.” Otherwise, Turner warned, the Puget Sound’s Salmon could be- come the next spotted owls, and the feds could regulate everything from On top of the hatchery closure fishing to Puget Sound shipping to proposal, the state revealed last sueamside development, week that it has proposed eliminat- The other issue is more nebulous, ing Issaquah’s Fisheries patrol offi- but it’s no 1ess powerfuL ' BIGGEST ART CLEARANCE SAIEEVER: U160 600/0 OFF VER 150 FRAMED PIECES OF ART 500/0 OFF OVER 150 FINE ART PRINTS & POSTERS 500/0 OFF OVER 30 DIFFERENT STYLES OF PHOTO FRAMES 500/0 OFF OVER 30 STYLES OF GREETING CARDS wrest: lfll HAI‘lEuP Sun. 12-5 747-8807 Loehmann's Plaza 8540 12th Ave. SE Bellevue 3 GflLLERY Sale Through Oct. 31 At Loahmann's Location Only IS NOW LOCATED AT: 'L 5610 E. LAKE SANINIAMISH PARKWAY S.E. ISSAQUAH, WASHINGTON ."Quality Service For Over 22 Years! "Same Great cer. The officer is charged with monitoring compliance with fish second priority is arranging a set- and game laws in the Issaquah area. Turner said that his department’s become I l a. [s n tlement to the contentious sht’anfish ' AMelissa harvest issue. clud r("cent few The issue stems from the laIId' . . traf es that Sa mark 1973 Boldt Decision, whlch : ie ficcongestio granted 16 treaty tribes in the Pugs; ; meved by an an Sound area rights to harvest half withsllnset Way I the salmon population in any Elven Granule Issaquat year. ELI Ddedge. The tribes have interpreted the . p r“Ed by t] decision to mean that they also hav; I ~ Darsons» Brian unlimited rights to harvest shellfis t w°“81a8. the K, from the state’s tidebeds. The 59% , ‘ Seems Departmt meanwhile, maintains that the fight; in em alternau are limited to specific areas an ‘ entgrstale in Issm times of year. as I 9f_tlle Platear The Fisheries Department he , re "mill cost p dedicated over $4 million to resolv mail”! project the issue either in or out Of 0° in‘°“- e6 .aS feasi . ._, . smug“ includlg] 2 C [Inset Is: "echon at t aeq“ah~Fa11 (3 .Lake Roads C0“ Sunset Iss [lemon at t h . Roaquah-Fall C1 the lssaqua , . . :18: Salmon Hatchery C0 Sfinset enli’ I Most of the 70 Issaquah r95” ,1 . con“ . at last week’s fisheries "19°th ' ‘nterchangnfm V sported these stickers. ' :Hsi Cred 113 al 6 I 0 CSS Failure to prepare for the Wig]; . v 310,21 tem loc; has the potential to close Or I in i 900 w ‘90 at Frc fishery activity and could 1'35“ the mum re d§termj federal control over harVCStS’ I r f department warns. vs « es or a ne Regardless of the outcome, “:33” mews: $4 million that won’t be SP6“ for I dents] [Either way hatcheries. The two-year budget ,II the get toI lssaquah’s hatchery i5 abou 1, Paulvaughn Hill $222,000. 0mg afiangrrnoid w On a more mundane level, ages The rhOff ; two percent of the FiShewfl] the n Department's 1993-95 blldget its ’ I, go towards retiring the bond?“ ' . new office building in Olymp‘a‘ Issaquah maps , Confused and lost on 155"Q £sz country roads? Issaquah 1992 dolls, are available at area servifle 5‘3 311d. mini-marts, some retail Stores, The Issaquah Press. $1 each- V 1 Don’t throw them Thc City ol'ls‘s‘uquuh is sponsoring :1 Spcciill m V collection for the items listcd below. to do is sort the hubs into reusable and pilcs. put thcm in plastic bags. and pliltft‘ at your curb on October 23. by 8:00 11,111.! tilt TL‘L‘d Allyll” rccwlw' 1 lb if . Uil Hits 1 I , , , ., .. ill)" lccnon is lot Issaquah single lznmly r-csitltnwl items pairs) Purses Belts For more information call: . WS‘YALL NEW ‘W PAD ff” _ ‘b‘sgh . . 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