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October 28, 1992     IHM: Issaquah Press Collection
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October 28, 1992
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,azard State spares hatchery, for now subsided section '9 itive, though Ben"en gs might have to reaqh 90 feet, which would y expensrve. the city council 135‘ solution is to dig,out elow the intersect“? rete plug to kt??? f g and fill it With as 0 yards of quality fill' it hazard that neefls ne told the counCll- FISH group t0 make hatchery 3‘ teaching facility b Andrew McKean belswquah’s Salmon Hatchery may 31! altotether. crime state’s Department of Fish- es confirmed last week that the wants lion from its $64 million budget, i spared State budget cuts, but local inpp‘mers of the facility are work- glo take it out from state control Hatcheries like Issaquah’s that don’t produce genetically unique salmon were first on the list to close. But a strong showing by support- ers of the local facility convinced Fisheries officials to take another look at Issaquah, Turner said. Offi- cials were convinced that Issa- quah—the state’s most visited hatchery—provides a strong educa- tional role even if its production of salmon has slipped over the last decade. gest creating a public/private part- nership that would turn the facility into a world-class educational insti- tute. “We look at this [threat of clo- sure] as an opportunity rather than a concern,” said Chamber of Com- merce Director Suzanne Suther, who coordinates FISH, or Friends of the Issaquah Salmon Hatchery. The group has been meeting weekly since the possible closure was announced, and are developing a vision of the hatchery’s future. The FISH group will meet next month with state and federal fish- eries officials to determine the feas— ibility of the idea. Suther said that urban renewal grants—like those that funded reno- vation of Seattle’s Pike Place Market—might be available for the project. “We’re enthusiastic,” said Suther. “We got a very good reception from the state at the [Fisheries] meeting, but we don’t know if we were being patronized or if there’s a willingness The Issaquah Press, Wednesday, October 28,1992 Page 3 city planning City of Issaquah Planning Man- ager Mark Hinthorne announced on Monday that he will resign De- cember 1 to take a job with Puget Power. ’ His decision to leave city employment is based on his desire to gain work experience in the private sector, as well as spend more time with his family, he said. Mayor Rowan Hinds praised Hinthorne as “an outstanding man- ‘ Hinthorne resigns as manager ager with exceptional planning skills and the ability to get things done. He has contributed signif- icantly to various improvements made in the city’s development re- view process.” A public employee for 17 years, Hinthorne previOUSly served 11 years as assistant planning director for Yakima County. He has been planning manager for Issaquah for the past four years. Citizens will be able n facility has been moved from “Education and pitiblic involve; :We got lot of to 'lIi‘ttellp.” h 6 top to near the bottom of its mm are important 0 Us, even 1 e Fis eries Department budget c . - - . . . C i “fissure hsL The Issaquah hatchery they aren’t under 0,.“ Production] feedback that In- is being picked .apart by budget ' week'T‘l’Qber 5 on the list until last mandate,” Turner Sald. Your facll- terpret as sup. wnters now. It wrll be submitted to in mun . It is now number 17 out of 25 ity contributes to them in a big _ l. the legislature in December, though u g h m p Sammamish water ad: way.” for that facrllty. the next governor could change all , merit Committee, to. Fish: -Tumer‘ aeting direcmr 0f the Issaquah and Meers Brothers Bob Turner or parts of it first. Citizens who want to punch up of operation, was awarded as part of 1 “es Department, said Friday Pond, a Gray’s Harbor hatchery, Z8, 1 pm, City H lunset Way. ht, :hool Board. toms. Walla large Vocal turnout from Issa- earfiegt the agency’s budget meeting were combined as twin educational facilities and dropped down the hst. They want to invest in state-of- the-art salmon production equip- Turner stressed that supporters shouldn’t give up if the local facility is spared budget cuts. public records from city government on their home or business computers will be able to do so early next year. a paper waste-reduction program through King County’s Solid Waste th. _ mem t 1 1d Division. It is hoped that by making p m Adminisu’auze ence ‘3 month made the dlffer- “My hope 18 that bY}151011)au“§1aI:d hatching giggle?“ tth‘fl fiscaSSS'EC f 11ml really be disappointed if the The City of Issaquah this month information available electronically, " . T ° hi hli bring them, We 6 a e 0 . . 1 Sa 6 W o sfromIssa uah wh as notified 't ill tee ' ea 9,900 the de a d r '11 NW Holly 5[ new . We hag/c tghe same discussion with the bufldmg was completed in 1938. q 0 expressed w l w e1v $ in n or paper copies w1 discussing the , w. :hool, project rev” d:- speakers, first Tea lanning Policy Coin; irsday, October1 775' [me 80t a lot of feedback that we fit as large support for that fa- cility." T I Th Mer said. bx e hatchery’s new place on the e n ’t mean that it will survive chamftélte 3 budget axe, but the tcl llroles Office of Financial Management that we had at the budget meetings,” Turner said. Even if the state spares the local hatchery, though, local civic leaders They also want to restore the hatch- ery’s exterior to its original appear- ance. , Then, said Suther, the group wants to develop the hatchery as a such interest were to walk away from us if the hatchery is in this budget,” he said. Turner said that by stressing the educational aspects of the hatchery, it can serve as his agency’s public grant to establish an f‘electronic bulletin boar ” of various public documents, such as meeting agen- das, meeting minutes, correspon- dence and other information com— monly requested by the public. decrease. Correction Rossi campaign funds ‘ As reported last week, a $10,000 ty Ha“ NNV" I be Sp: are much better that it will have their own ideas for the faCil- ‘Slglnlflcant teaching facility,” W111]: relations vehiCIc. stressmg the im- Using the electronic bulletin contribution to 5th District Senate N, The commission small ed 01' that the cuts W111 be ity’s future. I a c $900111 and perhaps a Sign pcrtance of undisturbed habitat and board from home or work will candidate Dino Rossi came from the e Land Use Code Re“ The l . h A group of City councrlorS, amp 1theater. She said that hate ery the role that salmon play in the reguire a computer with a modem. Senate Republican Campaign Com- a n OCal ‘faClllty was one of a Chamber of Commerce officers and 13 the PerfeCt Yenuc [0 lead] "0t state S culture and economy. Or people will be able to visit City mittee in Olympia, the political arm h Plateau Water & beca Statewme targeted for Closure busmesspeople want to mm“ the only the Salmon 5 hfe CYCIC’ bm also causmg People to think about Hall and use a computer set up for of the Senate majority caucus. The t, Monday, NO"em . District 109 S (Pine Lake Rd; Ag rle at the meeting 7:30 pm" my mgr work harder sogyou don't LOANS Serving , Could your stress-filled days use i1 chambers, .135 n: have to work longer. , Issaquah Stress-filled "19018? the council W11! C90“ Good or Poor Credit o o ’, :lopment CommtSS! h Don't settle for low interest on your 1: New home purchase, home Since I 3n regarding the H136 IRA. I can show you a range of IRA improvement and d and apprtizlélld‘fiood plans that match your fmancia; consolidation loans . . 1 _ goals and h 1 you earn more 01' . . . n nl er t igifihégemitgifg; Your retireri‘ieftt. You can even have figggrmgmfig’ Oygfgggctory 5(3):: 61113 Ive ' . d‘ff ' f d' ‘ . Call “onsuvpmmgsiunr “mm” °’ W" nonwniomingpmpehes. Fresh From the Kitchen )mem of a fea n me today for the details. . . 1,: Park and Ride 1°“ STEVE Competitive rates and fees . @4 g - S Have you recently been turned A WEE CE INCLUDE : cary "es BENNETT down because OfPOOtcredih “m' ' Customizgdwlvgnu K SERVI Finest Vegefables and Investment ited income or short job history? - Com tete Grocer Sho in - To ualit Meats . p 3’ pp 1; P Q y More Represem‘m Give us a call. We would like to ' Meal Preparation In Your Home - Freshest Fish l ‘ ' - 98 Front St. N. discuss Wim you 0!" financing ' Variety of Healthy Meals ' Canola 8: Olive Oils . y °"es/ sugaryfgfioy mm and Wm Shearsassesses:his“ gSugg’fgen/ice bookstore (2 6’ 3 ‘ j Repair Service Call Fresh From the Kitchen WW ere/9W . n arnett Mary Pigott . , . . . Booksellers 5 Edward . a Whore service ,5 not for information about this affordable luxury. '- hwsm" D. Jones & COS” FAX (206) 6433627 only apmm'se’ bum amuse 0f budget cuts. The Fish- Departtnent must trim $16 mil- Gilman Blvd 392-8303 CLEAN AIR hatchery’s reliance on state funds for itsoperation. Instead, they sug- We can make your IRA Member New York Stock Exchange, Inc. Securities Investor Protection Corporation Special/Service For if WW I wrpacred/l watershed ecology, to hundreds of thousands of visitors every year. ORTGAGE (206) 643-4812 Aist Yeor Semi-Annual "B" GRADE these things will be in the long-term best interests of our department and the state,” Turner said. guarantee 392-4537 The Journal American the public to retrieve documents and make copies if they so desire. The grant, which covers one year _. (206) 392-1936 'A regular two week service including foOd for two is regularly $270. Now only 3 135 for first time customers. Issaquah Press mistakenly said Rossi was financially endorsed by the state Republican Party. Valley Daily News "A social moderate, but fiscal conservative, Dyer would make an excellent representative for the 5th District. ” v Each Sunday at Evergreen offers Motion of the worship service. SALE Overstock 8t Irregular Crystal , ii DAYS ONLY October 22 November 1 Chandeliers 1/3 Off KUSAK CUT GLASS 191 1 22nd Ave. 5., Seattle 324-2931 Ropalrs Accepted Hours: Mon-Sat 9-5/Sun i l -4 (Rolnler Ave. 8.. Just South of l-90) , CHOICE “ \ llllSSlOllS :lS much as 30%. “kl lor use on All auto, iiiuriiic “lily ’7 . ‘ {cycle engines. "UPIiR UNLEADED (90 Octane) $1.25 if; /gal.* "Republican Phil Dyer outdistances his the depth of his understanding. Where she talks in general terms, Dyer gets to specifics. Where she gets specific, he ’5 already citing the historical and political context which has Shaped the health care crisis, welfare programs and education reform. "...We found Dyer to have a good grasp 07! IW-viSibility but financially critical prob- lems like debt service for the capital budget. This is not sign language. but word for word transcripting so you won't miss a thing. The Seattle Times "Phil Dyer, a Republican activist and businessman, is the best candidate for Posi- tion 2. ” For-more information call 391-9579 o. lltn ct to change Without notice. ANGE SUPPLY ‘45 NF. (tuition Blvd. l3. flf’ 5m CHRISTIA FELLOWSHIP 25510 SE 64th Place, Issaquah, WA, 98027 The Issaquah Press "Awqagfimfcjré:naiw-i<:f‘A¢ ;r_:r"‘ ' A. .31.! hunt; FanBIowerAttachment! Shaman-be" BVCHt- . . usive on Bear Cat & 8 h Models. . Irre- 01' sure. .goinvgglggg,Mig-isizefullesize alhd i onsfiilee :VXePanSlon 1.8, and EleCt I get r65“ 11 .ge’rated, sagghdrzening shredder knives. e P d are paylng .— e bee ' . Dina duty chipping blades. then one nee only Start Wlth Lale ha". The “mom Shaped chipping chute. the results of the last budget Using 1n debate in the face of a 1.6 bil- 392-0469 WEI-ts . H currens . LINE TRIMMERS . 3 POINT IMPLEMENTS PS - BLOWERS . GENERATORS OARDs - NEW/USED EQUIPMENT sen-ad Ne r/slr Before you BLIy/Tl'y the Best, "W‘Efinr flag: lllllllllll III'EIMEI' Dem O Additional parking In back TILLEns TRACTORSIALL SIZEW ’i' B CHAIN SAWS- EDGERS Hus M KUBOTA inc. WE SERVICE WHAT WE SELL 0 Hints, SALES & SERVICE: . (206) 392-5182 o 1-800-368-6260 1875 N-W- Poplar Way, Issaquah. WA 98027 ,3, 5, 8 HP & Tractor PTO Models In Stock Today lion dollar deficit and record rate. Eastside Week "With his background in health care, Issaquah Republican Phil Dyer is the clear inipact to helpless people cut off from support and bur- ‘ dened businesses failing at a WHY (ARE so MANY PEOPLE SUPPORTING PHIL DYER? Phil} Dyer on State Spending and Taxes OVerStating the obvious, state government spending is out of control. We should not ~ and I will not —- treat taxpayers and their incomes with the contemptuous attitude that they are simply for the taking. A Sure fire formula for wrecking our state's economy is tocontinually raise taxes: neglect education, saddle businesses and property owners with r6dundant/ iHEffective and unWorkable regulations — and then spend tax . . During the past ten years, a period of economic expansion and in- CTeaSing rBVenues —— government expansion and appetite for spending reached umprecedented levels. This was without regard for the fact that the economy nught contract or slow. the 5th District "He '5 eager, he ’s informed and his stand on a variety of issues reveal thoughtful analysis rather than reaction.” Paid for by: The Committee to Elect Phil Dyer 4127 205th Avenue SE 0 tate House S GOP Position 2 Issaquah, WA, 98027 0 GOP , ML, 2. get—L L..i{é.{:«—:fl z. __e. -‘ mas:—